Quality Associates

System Development - CODEX HACCP, GFSI Standards, Food Defence & Food Fraud

When developing a food safety system, it is crucial to get it correct from the start. Errors lead to non-conformances. Quality Associates will build you robust quality systems that will protect your business, brand and customers.

Service Outline

Our System Development

Quality Associates has intimate knowledge of food safety systems including CODEX HACCP revision 2020 and GFSI standards.

This also covers food fraud and defence systems where deliberate attacks could lead to the adulteration of your products, loss of business reputation or economic failure.

We establish and implement risk proportionate systems for food businesses ranging from small manufacturers to international multi-site businesses.

Our Experience

Quality Associates have successfully implemented easy to manage HACCP programs in a wide range of businesses in terms of size and industry. We pair your business with one of our consultants who have experience in your industry. 

Our TACCP & VACCP system development projects include high-risk products, such as baby powder manufacturing and infant products for multinational companies. Our robust system development will protect your business in a cost-effective and tailored manner.


Options of delivery include initial training, provision of templates or bespoke documentation to full implementation on site.

Our collaborative processes ensure cost-effective, timely solutions for your business, whether this is to update systems in response to ever-evolving standards or in response to particular food safety issues.

The key benefit of our engagement is instant access to expertise to support your already fully utilised resources to cover critical projects like these.

Who we work with

We work with businesses of all sizes. We have a vast amount of experience working with budding start-ups via our partnership with Seedlab Australia. On the other end of the scale, we have implemented TACCP & VACCP systems in multinational high-care facilities with extremely complex supply chains. Every project is as important as the next and our expert auditors and consultants work closely with you to ensure your system is fully compliant with your needs.



“I’m very happy to accept your congratulations for the work that our team put into this result – but it would be very remiss of me not to deflect a significant portion of that to your team and their efforts. Chris did a great job setting it all up – and Kerri’s approach as an auditor was extremely helpful to us.”

Andrew Gregson – Tasmanian Tonic Company

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