Quality Associates


Date Posted: January 27, 2023

HACCP Certification and Training in Australia - Quality Associates

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Written By: Quality Associates

The Quality Associates team has vast experience in FMCG, food production, horticulture, food technology, supply chain management and foodservice.

HACCP Certification: Your Guide to Food Safety

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a food safety management system that helps businesses identify and prevent potential food safety hazards. It is an internationally recognized system that is mandatory for many food businesses in Australia. Quality Associates, a leading provider of HACCP certification, training, and HACCP system development services, is here to guide you through the process of getting HACCP accreditation and ensure that your business is in compliance with food safety regulations.

What is HACCP and How to Get Accreditation

HACCP is a preventative food safety management system that focuses on identifying and controlling potential hazards that could occur during the production, processing, and distribution of food. The system is based on 7 principles:

  1. Conduct a hazard analysis
  2. Determine the critical control points (CCPs)
  3. Establish critical limits
  4. Implement monitoring procedures
  5. Implement corrective actions
  6. Implement verification procedures
  7. Implement a record-keeping and documentation system

To achieve HACCP accreditation, a business must conduct a hazard analysis, establish critical control points and implement procedures to control those hazards. This process must be verified by a qualified HACCP auditor. Quality Associates offers HACCP auditing services that go above and beyond a tick-box audit to ensure that your business is fully compliant with HACCP regulations.

HACCP Training and Certification in Australia

HACCP certification is mandatory for many food businesses in Australia, including those that export food or handle high-risk foods. Quality Associates is a registered training organization (RTO 41341) that offers a range of HACCP training courses to help your business meet regulatory requirements.

Our HACCP training services include:

The two-day Nationally Recognised Principles of HACCP course is delivered live with a trainer either in person or via virtual classroom. The Refresher and Awareness courses are self-paced and delivered by Quality Associates’ dedicated online training portal. These courses provide a cost-effective way to refresh your knowledge and skills in HACCP. All of our training courses, both live and online are offered around Australia.

HACCP Auditing Services by Quality Associates

Quality Associates HACCP Certified Logo

Quality Associates’ HACCP auditing team are lead auditors and skills examiners. We focus on Melbourne and offer no travel costs for businesses within 1 hour of Melbourne’s CBD. Our team delivers a detailed report and ensures you understand the HACCP report and outcome. We offer highly competitive pricing and a service that delivers real results for your business.


HACCP certification is essential for food businesses in Australia to ensure compliance with food safety regulations and protect consumers. Quality Associates offers a range of HACCP training and auditing services to help your business meet regulatory requirements and achieve HACCP accreditation. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please contact us today.

Phone: 1300 73 71 93

Email: info@qualityassociates.com.au

ABN: 43 686 877 167

Training ABN: 43 606 932 165

RTO Number 41341


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